Welcome back!!
I know you all have been dying to know what's going on in my life since last we spoke. In all reality, I've been way too busy living it up and whatnot to take a few moments to update my modest little blog. So, mainly just to let you know that I'm alive, here it is folks.
So it's been a little while, and there is literally a ton of things that have been going on, so I'll try to hit everything and highlight the big things. One more note: I have not yet found an adapter to charge my camera battery, so pictures are going to be a little lacking for the next few blogs.... I'll make up for it though. Maybe. No promises.
So let's kick this off with the housing situation. Sure, it sounds super easy and chill when they tell you, "just get here, stay in a hotel for a few days, and you'll get to find a flat when you arrive." (Sarcasm.) And then you get to the International Office and they give you a list of three landlords for you to meet up with. By yourself. Wandering the streets of a foreign country. It's chill. (Más sarcasm.) But really, it wasn't so bad, but it was a little stressful there at the end. My wonderful guardian angel Andrea wanted to help me, but the guy at the International Office had other plans.
So I went off to find a flat!!
Yup - had to stay a couple more nights at my hotel. It was so cheap though, so I didn't mind. (We need a font that tells you I'm being sarcastic.) I had actually found a really great flat in a really great part of town and it was huge and beautiful and thought it was perfect! I was wrong. I was just chilling at the university literally hours before I was going to sign for it when one of the then-current tenants approached me, and with the most serious face and thick German(?) accent, he looked into my soul and uttered "Whatever you do, don't live in that flat." O.O
So needless to say, I did not go back to that flat. Ever. God was looking out for me however, as He often does, and sent me Ethan and Erin. I met these guys (see photo above: Guy on the left and girl puttin the moves on me) and we, in our frightened state, banded together! We marched back to the International Office to give them a piece of our mind! (not really.) They told us to meet up with more landlords and whatnot...... so great. But Erin already had this lovely flat picked out, so we all went to check it out. The landlady was really nice- we let her know we were interested in the place (there was going to have been two free rooms, but two other women were yet to move out), and when she found out we were still in hotels, she let us know we could stay there. And we did. And we did not leave. Flat taken!!! Booyah! And I got to take the pink room!! (pictures to come soon) even though I know Ethan wanted it sooooo bad! Then our fourth flatmate moves in- a beautiful German girl named Bella. And we were the four best friends that anybody could have! We're like a wolf pack....
So that's the housing story. Here are some pics of the view I have from out terrace (that's right- I have a terrace).
And that's really all for now, kids. I have class in the morning (we can talk about that adventure next time....), but I have a ton more to catch you up on (new people, shopping, night life, etc)! And another ton that's probably not going to make it on my blog for one reason or another....inquire inside.
But I think I've accomplished my goal of letting everybody know that I'm still alive and having the greatest time of my life. Hasta la próxima!
Tony, los chinos deberán tener algunos adaptadores y zapatillas por si los necesitas.